Running out of time. Almost resigning

Does anyone else also feel like the way I feel every evening before going for sleep.


Despite continuous work, completing so many tasks, talking with so many people around me, watching TV, listening to brand new albums and reading tons of stuff over Internet, newspapers and feed reader, I  feel like I am running out of time when there is so much to do in this world.


Still lot of tasks to be completed, many new things to start, many assignments waiting for me to get my hands over them, mails in my inbox waiting for me to get replied, almost 220 feeds waiting with 1024 unread items just when I finished pending stuff, about 35 aggregator links having new stuff looking out to me to get explored, lot of new text to be written, few guys I missed to talk to, people I couldn’t inform, still shop a big clutter, have to download 2-3 new albums, have to upload files for a dear friend, a nice movie I am delaying to watch in future blah blah. List is too long to write and even now, I am running out of time. Even when I get rid of all these thoughts, there is always this one book (most probably, over a new programming language) waiting to be read by me and I don’t have enough minutes even to have a look over it and turn its pages to see where I had left it last time.


The point is that how much knowledge is sufficient or are you the best at managing your time? In spite of all these remaining tasks, I sleep soundly every night because I prefer to recall with my closed eyes – what I have done to make this world a better place to live. And always I come up with so many things that before I complete my way through them, I loose my senses.


I arrived at these thoughts because I came across this friend who was unsatisfied from the way he had been spending his life and wasn’t able to take proper sleep as he was always surrounded by the thinking of what is expected from him and what he isn’t fulfilling.

It made me go through what people have been expecting from me and if I am happy from myself.


I was happy to conclude that notwithstanding so many imminent items, I am up to the expectations of everyone around me – the contentment I want to have before going for any kind leave!!!


Good Night for now 🙂

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