StumbleVideo by StumbleUpon

After searching the website, next thing is searching the videos from StumbleUpon. Now you can search videos matching to your keywords on leading Video sharing websites like YouTube and Google Video using Stumble Video. It doesn’t require any installation of browser toolbar. The old feature of liking/disliking any website using Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down also exists in Stumble Videos and after giving your views, you can stumble to next video. You can also look at other users who liked any particular video.

There are different channels matching the user-interests. Right now, there is no option to search on basis of keywords supplied by you as happens in case of StumbleUpon. There is one cool feature of History. After you register, the history of all the videos watched by you is maintained. Also, you can share the videos with others. User rating is also used in

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